What is the microservice architecture?
Introduction to the microservice architecture
2 min readJan 9, 2021
Microservices which is also known as microservice architecture; is an architectural style. It structures an application as a collection of services.
How to deploy microservices?
Microservices applications usually deploy in containers. Those are virtual system environments and are able to provide processes with isolation and resources. Recently, Docker is one of the most famous container solutions using by developers.
Benefits of a Microservice Architecture
- The main advantage is, if there is a failure in a single module, there will be no impact on other larger applications. So the microservice architecture will let you embrace the technology side of DevOps. Also then it makes CI/CD (Constant iteration and delivery) more achievable.
- Flexibility: This architecture provides flexibility to try out a new technology stack on individual services. Rolling back changes are easy and there.
- Simplicity: Developers can easily understand the functionality of a service.
- Quicker developments: This architecture allows you to explore the advantages of continuous deployment.
- Scalability: Easy to scale service at the appropriate times. If you have done it correctly, it will save the cost.
Disadvantages of a Microservice Architecture
- Complexity: Communication among services is complex; You have to be careful when you handling requests traveling among modules. When you want to add new services it will be complicated to handle.
- Complex transaction management: More services mean there will be more resources. Therefore it will be difficult for transaction management since there will be multiple databases.
- Difficult in testing and debugging.
- Difficult in communication and maintaining costs can be high.
- Microservice architecture is not suitable for small companies because it can be slower to implement and will be complicated to deploy.